Bangalore, 12 December 2018
ISSMGE TC-207 Workshop on “Recent Advances in Retaining Walls and Soil-Structure Interaction” was organized jointly by ISSMGE, Indian Geotechnical Society and IGS Bangalore Chapter as a pre- conference workshop of IGC-2018 in the B K Ramiah Hall of National Science Complex of Indian Institute of Science on 12th December 2018. About 100 delegates participated in this workshop.
The workshop was inaugurated by the ISSMGE Vice-President (Asia), Prof. E.C. Shin, President of IGS, Prof. G. L. Sivakumar Babu, Honorary Secretary of IGS, Prof. J. T. Shahu, Secretary, ISSMGE TC-207 Prof. Deepankar Choudhury, Chairman of IGC-2018, Prof. P. V. Sivapullaiah and Vice-chair IGC-2018 and member of ISSMGE TC—207, Prof. G. Madhavi Latha. Prof. E.C. Shin presented an Introductory overview of ISSMGE activities and the significance of TC-207 team.
There were 8 lectures delivered in three technical sessions of the workshop. Speakers include ISSMGE TC-207 members Prof. Hemanta Hazarika (Japan), Prof. N. K. Samadhiya, Dr. V. Balakumar, Dr. Anindya Pain and invited speakers Prof. M. R. Madhav, Prof. S. P. Gopal Madabhushi (UK), Prof. Gokhan Baykal (Turkey) and Prof. Ayse Edincliler (Turkey).
The delegates of the workshop are from a cross section of academicians, researchers, industrialists and students from different public and private institutes and organizations. Various aspects of soil-structure interaction and recent innovations and developments in retaining wall technologies were discussed through well documented laboratory model studies and field case studies.
The workshop saw interesting deliberations on points to be considered while defending research proposal Interesting deliberations on many issues related to soil-structure interaction and guidelines for choosing the right approach and technique while designing earth structures. The workshop received highly positive feedback from the delegates.
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ISSMGE TC-207 Members

Inaugural Session

Lecture by Prof. Hemanta Hazarika

Lecture by Prof. N.K. Samadhiya

Lecture by Prof. M.R. Madhav

Lecture by Prof. Gopal Madabhushi

Lecture by Ayse Edincliler

Lecture by Prof. Gokhan Baykal

Lecture by Dr. V. Balakumar

Lecture by Dr. Anindya Pain

Workshop Delegates