GeoMos 2010
International Geotechnical Conference “Geotechnical Challenges of Megacities”
Moscow, Russia, 7-10 June 2010
TC207 was a co-organizer of this conference, together with NIIOSP Research Institute (Moscow) and Georeconstruction Engineering Co (Saint Petersburg).
There were a Plenary and 3 Technical Sessions during the Conference:
- Construction of congested urban conditions
- Preservation of existing structures with account of their interaction with subsoil
- Geotechnical engineering in urban conditions.
Members of TC207 participated in a Plenary session and two technical Sessions delivering 7 presentations at the conference (2 Invited lectures, 2 General reports, and 3 oral presentations).
The meeting of TC207 was held during the conference. Members of TC207 and invited specialists participated in the meeting.
The main topic of the meeting was behaviour of soft soils and its account in SSI calculations. A fruitful discussion these issues was held by TC members and invited guests of the meeting.
At this meeting the following decisions have been made:
- To continue work on the Guidelines on Soil-Structure Interaction
- To start work on developing the Website of TC207
- To form three Task forces
- To organize the meeting and workshop of TC207 in October 2011, in Dubrovnik (Croatia).